Natural help for healing thyroid disorders
1. Symptoms of a thyroid disorder
We will just discuss the very basics of thyroid function, as to cover it all, we’d need to write a book!
The thyroid is a small endocrine gland, just above the adam’s apple in the throat, consisting of two parts. To me it sort of looks like a butterfly. An ugly one. This gland takes in iodine and produces thyroid hormones. Every cell in the body depends upon thyroid hormones for regulation of their own metabolism. It detects shifts in body chemistry (chronic blood sugar imbalance, hormone imbalances, chronic inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, liver congestion, poor digestive health, or even the use of hormones, synthetic or bio-identical) and helps the body compensate for them.
2. The thyroid tests you need to ask your doctor for
I’ve also had many, many conversations with all of you through email and facebook, frustrated because you also feel like junk, but either your lab tests are “normal” or because you’re not feeling better even under the care of a physician. And in those conversations I’ve found that what I’m reading is true! (I’ve even had multiple people tell that their doctors told them to stop coming back over the issue because there was nothing wrong with them!)Many doctors aren’t testing the thyroid the way it needs to be tested.
Not MD’s, not OBs, and not even RE’s.
3. Naturally healing the thyroid, part one: blood sugar control
Come to find out, an increase in the consumption of sweets not only directly affects the production of our reproductive hormones, but also affects the production of thyroid hormones. Because the endocrine system works as a whole, and not separate from each other.
One of the problems is when we do indulge, our pancreas secretes insulin into the blood stream to deal with rising glucose levels. Once this happens the glucose level drops, causing low blood sugar, which then causes the adrenals to go in to their “fight or flight” mode. The adrenal hormones help to bring the blood sugar back up to normal levels, and these hormones cause stress in the body.
4. Naturally healing the thyroid, part two: digestion
One of my favorite health quotes is from Hippocrates –
“All disease begins in the gut.”
It seems that no matter the health issue someone is suffering from, that their digestion may be a probable cause or at least making it worse. It’s where we absorb the necessary nutrients that allow our body to function, and when we can’t absorb what we need, often times disease and disorder begin to show.
5. Naturally healing the thyroid, part three: the liver and detoxification
Our bodies were wonderfully created and have a natural cleansing system to get rid of these things, in small amounts. “When the detoxification system is overwhelmed, the liver is unable to remove these harmful substances from our body. These dangerous substances then begin to accumulate in different cells of the body. As more and more cells of the body accumulate these harmful substances, the cells begin to lose their ability to work and communicate properly.
It has been my observation that it is impossible for someone to overcome illness and achieve optimal health without optimizing their detoxification systems.” – Overcoming Thyroid Disorders by Dr. David Brownstein, MD
6. Traditional Chinese Medicine and treating the thyroid, by Dr. Drew Nesbitt
Thyroid conditions affect an estimated 200 million people worldwide, many of whom may go undiagnosed. As a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMP) who works in the field of natural fertility enhancement, I often see people suffering from thyroid symptoms (i.e. hypothyroidism can lead to miscarriage). In this article, I will go over the basics of the most common thyroid conditions as well as how they are interpreted and treated from a TCM perspective.
Resources for natural thyroid healing
Thyroid Detox Program
I’ve learned a lot about thyroid health over the last few weeks, more than I thought I’d ever have to know. Knowing that mine needs a boost right about now, I’m reaching out to many resources to learn all I can. A few weeks ago I was also sent the Thyroid Detox program from the Thyroid Detox Coach, Magdelena (a former Hashimotos patient), to review. During my spare moments I’ve read the materials and wrapping my mind around doing the full detox program.
{click here to read the rest of my review}
Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? book by Dr. Kharrazian
Over a month ago now, I checked out the book “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? when my lab tests are normal” by Datis Kharraian, and so far it’s been one of the most informative book on healing hypothyroid issues an Hashimoto’s.
I really should just buy it already, as I keep putting off bringing it back to the library. I’m up to at least a week in fees now as I couldn’t renew it any longer. Whoops. But it’s a fantastic reference and I keep finding more information!
The following quotes are from his website – emphasis mine.
{click here to read the rest of my review}
Autoimmune, the cause and the cure – book
So yea, me. The girl who didn’t think she had gut issues or absorption issues because my digestion is always awesome…..has gut issues. And I was able to find out all about functional ranges for my deficiencies, not just the ranges that mean we’re not severely diseased.
Now, the major point of this book is that you CAN heal your body and correct some of the damage done by an autoimmune disorder. They make a very strong case about the cause of these disorders, often referring to studies for Hashimotos, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis. It makes me want to tell everyone I know!
{click here to read the rest of my review}
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, by Dr. Brownstein, M.D.
The more I read about thyroid disorders, the more I believe that they can be healed. So many of the books I’ve read have some of the same information, but they all seem to build upon each other as well, offering informational tid-bits that compliment the information in another book.
The most recent that I’ve read is Overcoming Thyroid Disorders by Dr. David Brownstein, M.D. (available on Amazon) and again I found myself getting excited about different ways to help heal my body.
Dr. Brownstein’s NEW Book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, 2nd Edition has been completely updated. This book shows how a holistic treatment program can effectively treat: Hypothyroidism Graves’ Disease Hashimoto’s Disease Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Arthritis And Much More!
Jillian Heerlyn
I am currently reading your book and have greatly appreciated how you clearly lay the facts out there. I have been working toward a healthier, organic lifestyle for a while. It seems like there is a lot of conflicting information out there and I have appreciated how you collect that information in one place and also offer your perspective and why. It has helped me know which steps to take right now and which things to work toward. Thank you.
Also, I have written a book designed to help walk with people and give them the tools they need to emotionally navigate the path marked infertility. I recently began a blog as well and would love to link your website to my blog if that would be okay with you. I would also invite you to consider posting a link to my blog on your site if you like/agree with the content on my site.
Thank you, again, for putting so much effort in to informing others and helping them be naturally healthy.
@Jillian Heerlyn, Thanks for your kind words. 🙂 Yes, feel free to link to my site from your blog, just don’t copy and paste the content. (you’d be surprised how many people do that!)
Jillian Heerlyn
@donielle, Thank you, Donielle. I added a link to your site. Here is my website:
I will not copy and paste content from your site 🙂 . I merely wanted to have your site listed as a resource for those who are dealing with infertility.
God Bless,