I know each year we all start out with good intentions about what we will accomplish, but it seems like it doesn’t take long for those goals to somehow lose their importance. Sometimes it happens because life gets in the way or the goal was too lofty. We also tend to want results without spending a lot of time getting to them, luckily for you, dry brushing takes just minutes a day and you’ll see results within a couple of weeks!
My goal for the new year is work on my health. Nice and generic, right? The reason I set it as being more of a broad goal is that I know my body. I know that sometimes I start out doing something I think I need and it totally is not what I need to be doing.
I decided that for the winter I was going to concentrate on simple things I can do for my body to help let it rest and nourish as needed, it’s a slow season of rest anyways so the body lends itself well to it. I want to support my body and help it to function as best it can. My adrenals are tired and I am ready for them to perk up a bit. Anyone else?
Dry skin brushing was something a friend recommended to me because I was complaining about skin issues. I was a bit skeptical but I decided for less than $10 (all you need is a natural bristled brush – available on Amazon) and just a few minutes a day before my shower that I would give it a try.
I was totally surprised that after a few weeks I could see a major difference in some cellulite spots. After seeing the improvement, I have been hooked on brushing. It is now a major part of my going to bed routine and I love the results!
Brushing is also super easy to do. There are a ton of videos online, but I enjoyed this one on How to Dry Brush and I have yielded great results in this method. (All though I really don’t think there is a ‘wrong’ way.)
Skin brushing is something I think EVERYONE can benefit from, if you don’t believe me, just check out the list below. These five reasons are pretty amazing for such a simple thing to add to your daily routine.
Five dry brushing benefits:
1. Dry brushing the skin moves lymph fluid
The lymph system is one of the most important systems in your body as it is used to help carry debris out of your body. It moves germs and infection out of your system when you are sick. A healthy lymph system aids in a healthy immune system.
Skin brushing helps stimulate the ducts to break up clogs and help the fluid move more easily through your system. Stagnation isn’t good so keeping the lymph fluid flowing aids in helping your body function at healthier levels. A slow-moving lymph system can also cause problems with your nervous system.
2. Dry brushing helps cleanse the skin
The skin is our largest organ, it not only protects us but it also how we eliminate things we don’t want in our bodies. Our skin also helps absorb things we need. (Which is why natural skin products are a super good idea)
Brushing the skin while dry helps to remove dead skin and tissue to help the skin ‘breathe’, which allows our body to more effectively get rid of toxins. Basically allowing good things in and bad things out.
3. Dry brushing can improve cellulite
Nobody likes to talk about it and nobody likes to have it, but cellulite is an issue for many women. Skin brushing can help! (I know, I was skeptic about this part too!)
Dry brushing seems to help break up fat deposits under the skin, therefore, helping to distribute it which helps to smooth cellulite. I really saw a difference in my upper arm and breast area. (Y’all I’m totally being personal so you know just how much I believe in skin brushing for health!)
4. Dry brushing helps stimulate the liver
In our world today our livers are stressed and overburdened. Their job is to help eliminate toxins, flush excess and used hormones from the body, and aid in digestion. An easy thing to do to help our livers function better is to body brush.
Brushing helps stimulate the lymph system, mentioned above, and that in turn that helps to stimulate the liver. It helps keep your body moving all types of fluid needed to work at optimal levels.
5. Dry brushing increases circulation
The action of the brushing increases the circulation of nutrients and oxygen in the skin. Increased circulation helps encourage waste elimination and this helps the pores of your skin open up. (This is even where I saw a difference in the pores on my nose, they are quite a bit smaller.)
Dry skin brushing just takes a few minutes out of your day but is a great and gentle way to support detoxification and stimulate the body. Sometimes the simplest of steps make a remarkable difference in our health.
I always tell myself I’m going start doing this (I’ve tried it twice) but I never do. Sigh…
I really do need to start doing this. Even my mom recommended this to me. Must make the time!
Anna @Green Talk
Do you recommend a certain brush?
Donielle Baker
There’s a link to the one Jessica uses in the post! 🙂
Angela Burch
I have used both a synthetic bristle brush (from Wal mart) and a 100% natural bristle brush that I bought at Whole Foods Market for about 8 or 9 dollars. The natural bristle brush is much better and feels best on my skin.
linda spiker
I need to start again! I know it’s good for me but it’s the first thing to go when time gets short!
Emily | Recipes to Nourish
I really need to do this. I want to and will, I just have to buy a brush first. Thanks for this informative post.
Megan Stevens
I like how you gave 5 points! Easy to remember them that way. This is an excellent part of my daily regime too. I can actually feel the deficit when I don’t do it. And I can feel the benefit, quite noticeably, everyday when I do.
Saidah Washington
I’d try it for the reasons you mentioned plus because it probably feels amazing.
What!! I can’t believe I have never heard of skin brushing!! This seriously sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Renee Kohley
You definitely have me hooked. I love how my skin feels and I really feel like it assisted my liver while cleansing it last year.
Rachel @ day2dayjoys
I got this done when my husband & I went to the Biltmore for our 10th anniversary… it was a good experience, although it was shocking to my body at first lol!
Chloe @ How We Flourish
I know I need to do this, and I have a brush on my Amazon wishlist. One day I’ll actually do it!
Angela McKinney
I need to start skin brushing. I could use lymph and cellulite help. I wonder if it would help me. It is worth a try if like you said it doesnt take up much time.
Very informative post! I do have oily skin, but the harsh winter conditions dry out my skin. I need to exfoliate more, but this goes beyond that, which I like.
I’m going to watch the video you linked to see, but am I understanding that you brush your face too? You mentioned your nose…but it seems harsh on the face. Do you use the same brush on body and face? Thanks for the info! I’ve heard of brushing before, and even tried once or twice, but never seriously. I need to get things moving, winter has me very sluggish about now.
Yup, I totally do my face. The bristles are not hard. It took a bit to get used to it but I love how the skin on my face tingles when I am done. (And I used the same brush for my body and face.)
Winter has me body moving slow too! Sigh. Spring will be here soon!
never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing!!!
I am going to give this a try. I need help with all of the above and then some! It sounds to me like this may help with the ingrown hairs I have trouble with on my legs. What do you think?