Is sugar getting in the way of your health and healing?
I’ve totally been there, my story with sugar is life-long, and it’s taken some work for me to get rid of my intense sugar cravings. In this book, I discuss the ins and outs of sugar and help walk you through an 8-week challenge to lower your sugar consumption and reduce your cravings.
The one issue many women want to deal with is their sugar cravings – they know it’s not good for them! But they just don’t know where to start. So a few years ago I ran an 8 week sugar detox challenge on my blog and hundreds of women participated just the first year. It’s then that I knew I wasn’t in this alone – I wasn’t the only one dealing with this problem!
This new ebook has been revised and reorganized! It’s easier to follow, includes three sample menu plans (that include only easy to source and cook foods!), as well as 18 recipes for healthier indulgences.