Hey you.
The one that has read all the books on how to eat healthy, whole foods and still grabs the same boxes of convenience foods at the super market.
The one that pins all sorts of healthy recipes, yet never makes them.
The one that bought all sorts of ingredients to make natural beauty and cleaning products, but still haven’t tried them.
The one with an extra 20 pounds (or more) that you still haven’t lost because you haven’t started to exercise yet.
The one that deals with hormone imbalance, but doesn’t know where to turn or where to start because of all the conflicting (and massive amounts) of information.
I know you because you are me.
I’ve spent much of my life not knowing WHERE to start, so I never start at all. Whether it’s knitting, embroidery, playing guitar (all things I’ve wanted to learn for many years!), learning more about herbal medicine, fermenting foods, or making my own cheese, I just want someone to help me along the way so I don’t feel like I’m fumbling.
You see, I hate to feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.
And this mindset has held me back in life more than I’d like to admit!
I also tend to be a perfectionist, and this means that I don’t do something until I know I can do it perfectly… which doesn’t work out so well. So I don’t workout unless I know I can do it everyday without fail. Instead of simply eating better and making a few smarter choices, I strive for perfection and then let it fall to the wayside the second I slip up.
I currently have so many things I want and need to do in order to bring my body back to where I know it could be, yet I’m having a hard time getting started and making new habits. It’s one of the biggest reasons that I started the weekly fertility challenge – to not only help you take small steps to a healthier way of life, but to also push myself to make those same steps again.
It’s the same reason I started our private chat group on Facebook – for moral support!
I also have a few goals I’d like to meet by my 15th wedding anniversary this December and have struggled to get started. So this week I’m going to start by first writing them out, and then taking the first step in adding regular movement to my daily routine. October will bring a few dietary changes and by November I hope to add to my workout routine.
One source I’m getting a lot of help from is the Healthy Living Bundle, which includes a couple of membership programs I’ve already been looking at trying. I hadn’t really planned on doing much with it – I was simply going to be a contributing author and affiliate. I figured the bonus offers would be fun (I mean, who doesn’t like free stuff?), but that the rest of the information wouldn’t be useful for me.
But being one of the authors this year, I got early access to go over the material and in looking everything over and signing up for different membership sites, I realized how much I need this in order to get my butt in gear! Because it’s helped me out so much I really wanted to share why from a personal perspective instead of simply a sales perspective.
I seriously thought it might appeal to a few of you, but once I got into the nitty-gritty of all that came with it I’m sure that most of you will benefit!
And even if you’re not interested in the bundle (which I pick apart for you below), I want to push you to take that step.
What is it you want to accomplish?
What can you do to get there?
Take a moment and really think about it! Comment (or hit reply if you’re reading via email) below on where you’re gong to start, or let me know what you need help with!