This morning I spent twenty minutes in front of my calendar, iPhone at my side beeping and carrying on, my inbox open in front of me and I got to work creating my week.
Did you hear the special word in there? Creating. Just say it for a second: c-r-e-a-t-i-n-g.
Every week we get the privilege to create our week because we have a say in how it will go. We have a say as to how we spend our time.
If you would have asked me that a year ago I would have blown you off. At that time I was addicted to and completely run by the three friends I mentioned above: iPhone calling to me like a ship lost at sea, my inbox barking at me for attention, and my calendar telling that I just didn’t have enough time.
It was exhausting.
There was no fun in it. Things fell through the cracks all the time: forgetting about client appointments because I either forgot to enter them while answering an email, my google calendar hadn’t refreshed so didn’t save the new event, returning phone calls, running errands, sending things back to school with the kids and the myriad of other things I can’t think to put in here because I’ve already forgotten them.
And then I feel like a jerk. Like pulling my hair out because it makes me feel unreliable when I forget things. And the result of that is more stress. Which makes me think there really is no extra time. And then I am a jerk and my life is ruled by several different colored blocks in my day.
Until I tried something different. I gave up resisting my schedule.
And saw miracles so exciting I have to share:
Miracle #1:
I created spending five minutes at the beginning of the week confirming my appointments for the week, fewer clients forgot their times and I had double checked on my end so there were fewer mistakes over here.
Miracle #2:
I took my nine colored categories and slimmed them down to five. Family, paid client time, personal time, editorial calendar and self-care. That’s all there really is in my life. Clearly defined time with my husband/our girls and family, time with paying clients, personal development time (Higher Brain Living sessions, work with Landmark, tapping), editorial calendar time (writing, development, inbox), and self-care (exercise, acupuncture,massage/chiropractic, reading/writing, retreat).
Miracle #3:
I hired a virtual assistant eight weeks before the time I allotted. We did a two-hour productivity session that got me clear on where I’m spending my time and where I need to spend my time. We cleaned up my laundry lists and set to work a course of action that gets results.
Miracle #4:
I have waaaaay more time to freely spend doing everything I love. And I have more time to do those things that need to get done (laundry, cooking, housekeeping, errands) because I can clearly see where I have open blocks of time.
Miracle #5:
I feel very little stress compared to last year at this time. I sleep better (and longer). I break out less. I see more clients than ever before. When I am with our kids I’m actually present to their needs. My gut checks me far more often than before, letting me know right in the moment if I am doing what I said I would or what I know should get done.
My ultimate new ninja strategy is structure. I feared and resisted structure (insert toddler throwing a tantrum) because it felt so restrictive. When I began to implement, I could feel the pull towards I Don’t Want To, yet the pull toward Your Life is Craving This won.
Structure bought me freedom.
So create for yourself a structure, and consider that by doing that you are creating your life. Reach out to those around you who are in alignment with that and get the accountability you want to live the best life you have.