I have been in that place…..You are sitting in front of your Gynecologist after another year of struggling with Endometriosis, your pain has been unbearable and you feel like there is no hope on what you can do. You feel stuck. Stuck within your choices but stuck within your body, ironically too. Your Endometriosis seems to be returning every year and half and no amount of hormone treatments or good eating seem to be making a single bit of difference.
The Hysterectomy seems to offer some sense of relief in that moment. Like perhaps if you cut it all out, it will be all over, finished and never to return again.
It is however a tough decision and upon further research I discovered that even something so drastic is still no guarantee that the Endometriosis, will really be gone for good.
This is what helped me to move past a place of pain and lack of decision and avoid a Hysterectomy:
1. I gave everything 150%
Up until this point my diet was good but not brilliant, my exercise was kinda there but not consistent, my stress levels were high and I had done nothing much to resolve those – even though I had promised myself to do more Yoga and Meditation and slow walks. I had done some things and yes, it was more than most but the truth was I wasn’t really giving it my all. I knew I could try harder. I could cut out all grains and eat more fruits and vegetables, I could cut out all chocolate and sugars, caffeine and impulse purchases from the confectionery counter. I could make a point of really nourishing my body with the best foods I could get and get completely focused on the ultimate forms of healing tools for my body. I could avoid anything that made me swell up and become inflamed – including my favorite M&M sweets!
The biggest change I made was discovering that food could be a real source of healing for my body. I stopped viewing food as my “restrictive diet” and recognized that it was in fact an ultimate tool for nourishment and healing. I studied and developed my own diet, which I have found incredibly helpful within my healing journey.
2. I explored more Alternative Therapies
When I first discovered Alternative Therapies, I really thought that everything was all about diet. I hadn’t considered Homeopathy, Herbology or Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I knew I had to feel comfortable with them and it couldn’t be too “wacky” but I had never actually really tried them for myself. My friends and relatives had suggested them but now it was time for me to really try them for myself.
3. I set myself a deadline
I think for me, this was important. I needed to feel like I was aiming for something, that all of these challenges and changes had some kind of ending. I gave myself 6 months. I would give everything 150% and really explore Alternative Therapies and then if it still didn’t work…. then I could look at getting that Hysterectomy. It made it easier for me to work towards a goal and to feel like in the end, the Hysterectomy really was the best decision and that I had really tried everything else.
What started to happen was that because I had set myself to work at this goal, somehow answers seemed to appear. It was as if I was being guided on some level! I felt like it was all do-able and achievable. I found out more about the foods I was eating and how they were impacting my pain with Endometriosis, I discovered acupuncture and how it would free up blockages in my abdominal cavity, I discovered that when I reduced my stress and told myself every day, that everything was going to be okay…. that it was!
I discovered the amazing powers and how much nature provides within our food. Wholesome real food, without preservatives or being over-processed! Food was such a healer and could provide my body with so much nourishment!
I felt empowered and strong. I felt like I could finally make decisions about my own body and it’s health. I felt like it was finally up to me and I didn’t have to wait and simply hope that a pill would come along and save me.
My pain decreased. Initially, it took some adjusting but eventually after the 6 month deadline was reached, I no longer suffered with pain every day. I felt in control and like I could cope with the minimal pain from the Endometriosis. I no longer wanted or needed that dreaded Hysterectomy.
I know it sounds simple but nature really provides all the tools we need to heal and re-balance our bodies.
I learnt so much about food and real nourishment along my journey. I discovered the difference between simply avoiding certain foods and really providing for the body.
I hope this gives you hope and makes you rethink that hysterectomy.
Bridgit Danner
Very bold title, Melissa! And great suggestions.