Many women only discover they have endometriosis when they want to conceive. Upon trying for several years, eventually they realize that something else may be going on for them and sadly this is when the problem is often discovered.
photo credit – candy box images, via
Endometriosis can interfere with conception on many levels. Today I want to share some of the key reasons:
1. The endometriosis lesions and cysts themselves
The entire process of getting pregnant needs to go through so many processes, it is amazing to consider women get pregnant at all! The sperm or little swimmers have to be pretty determined to get to the egg and there is only a small window of opportunity to get there.
Here is a great video that demonstrates this journey.
When a woman has endometriosis, it makes that window and those challenges a little tougher. Endometriosis can cause blockages within the fallopian tubes, which is where our little swimmers need to get through to finally reach the egg. Those tubes can become inflamed due to cysts and adhesions on the outside of them or there may be endometriosis lesions on the inside of the tubes themselves.
Other areas of inflammation can also include the ovaries themselves and any other parts within the reproductive process.
The best way to overcome the results of endometriosis is to focus on how we can successfully reduce the inflammatory response within the body.
2. Gene mutations and considerations
Though it has not been shown as a statistic, there may be a correlation with the MHTFR gene and women with endometriosis. This gene creates difficulty within the detoxification pathway which could be a potential link..
Endometriosis is not merely a hormone imbalance related condition. There are many ties to women with endometriosis struggling to detoxify properly and stagnant liver related conditions. One distinctive example of how toxins are linked to endometriosis was shown in an experiment done with monkeys that showed that dioxin (a common ingredient in Round up) triggered endometriosis to grow.
We are all exposed to toxins in a daily basis and our bodies will do their best to detoxify and flush out excess hormones, heavy metals and toxins but if we have the MHTFR gene, this process may become more challenging.
We can support our bodies by firstly recognizing if we have this gene and then supporting our bodies with adequate levels of the right type of folate.
3. The imbalances going on
Endometriosis is a condition. It demonstrates that there is something that is not working within the body. I believe this endometriosis to be an auto-immune condition. When we have an auto-immune condition, the body over-reacts to anything foreign. In some cases this could be the sperm itself or it could be the developing baby.
We need to understand endometriosis and why the body is responding the way it is towards the condition. In my experience, when we address the auto-immune component and support the bodies immune system properly, then it can easily be managed and all aspects of this response are minimized.
By minimizing the auto-immune response, we experience less inflammation, less heightened attack on anything foreign and a stronger and more balanced body. This in combination with other aspects, allows a woman to successfully carry a baby to term.
4. The body is depleted and not ready to carry a child
Upon reviewing women who suffer with endometriosis, it becomes evident that many of these women are depleted in some of the most important vitamins and minerals needed to carry a child. This depletion could be due to years of being on hormone treatments such as the contraceptive pill or years of malnutrition or poor absorption.
The most common ones I have seen are zinc, calcium, iron and many of the B Vitamins.
To truly support your body and your pregnancy, it is imperative that these are replenished through the right diet. This is a diet which is focused on reducing inflammation, balancing your hormones and supporting your immune system.
Though getting pregnant and carrying a child to term is often more challenging when a woman has endometriosis, I have also seen many women who have been able to successfully achieve their goal of holding that little one in their arms.
Please don’t give up ladies! And know that there are many different approaches to overcome any obstacle. Prepare your body and get informed outside of the typical conventional approaches. There are many things we can do to become truly empowered about our health and endometriosis.
Do you have endometriosis? Have you managed to fall pregnant or carry a child to term?