Endometriosis can be a painful and lonely diagnosis and navigating the road to wellness can be difficult. Often times doctors simply treat with only medicine to help mask the symptoms and provide some pain relief, never getting to the cause of the problem. Yet working with holistic providers isn’t always an option and depends on the location n which you live as well as finances.
In this episode, I’m chatting with Melissa Turner of Endo Empowered about her journey of healing endometriosis as well as her ____ about working with women in the same boat.
We talk about the risks of conventional treatments, some of the natural remedies for endometriosis, and she gives not only one tip, but THREE tips you can begin right away that may help you on your road to healing this hormone imbalance.
If you are interested in Melissa’s new program, you can find out more here – Endo Wellness Technique
Show notes:
- Typically to get diagnosed, women need to go for a laproscopic surgery, though some places (like Japan) they will make a diagnosis based on symptoms and thickness of uterine lining.
- Depending on the doctor that does the surgery they may remove the endometriosis, though Melissa doesn’t recommend that as you want someone who specializes in it. (some gynecologists simply don’t have the years of experience as an endometriosis expert)
- Endo causes adhesions in the body, but so does surgery. Melissa did seven years of surgeries as a “treatment plan” but doesn’t recommend it since it simply grows back and you have to remove it again.
- Besides surgery the other treatment is to regulate estrogen levels int eh body (many women with endo tend to have high estrogen levels) and is done through hormone treatments. The downside is that hormone treatments can negatively affect other aspects of health and the Pill can reduce the amount of vitamin B in the body.
- Melissa feels that endo is more than just a hormone imbalance (possible auto-immune link) and that it’s important to figure out WHY there is an imbalance in the first place.
- It doesn’t matter how beautiful the diet, if you are stressed to the max your body won’t function properly.
- Melissa put together a technique she calls the REACH Technique.
- R – replenish with the proper nutrients (done with diet, not with a bunch of supplements)
- E – exercise and how we move the body has a lot to do with energy stores and detoxification
- A – affirm as in how we talk to ourselves and beliefs about ourselves
- C – cleanse focusing on the entire body and not just one part
- H – help and support, ensuring that women get the support they need surrounding a holistic approach to endometriosis
- The Endo Wellness Technique begins on March 1, 2016.
Three tips you can do right away:
- Castor oil packs – Melissa shows you how to do it in a video here – Castor Oil Pack for Endo
- Tumeric – the constituent you need is curcumin (hard to get enough from tea/food, so curcumin supplements can be helpful). Is an anti-inflammatory and may help balance hormones.
- Sleep – so simple yet getting in bed by 10 PM can help the body rest and heal and plays such an important part in hormone balance.
Holly Baril
I love natural ways to help treat fertility health issues. There is, however, a new innovative surgical science called NaProTechnology. Surgical NaProTechnology was created by Dr. Thomas Hilgers a reproductive specialist. He has perfected the surgical removal of endometriosis so that it does not come back. Also, he prescribes natural hormones that mimick what a woman makes in her body and therefore is more successful in treating endometriosis. The Pill is not hormones but instead are steroids. I think the combination of natural and NaProTechnology offers women great success for such fertility health issues as endometriosis. Thank you for sharing some natural remedies. I will definitely pass along to my clients. You can learn more about NaProTechnology, you can visit http://www.naprotechnology.com.